Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC)

The purpose of the Cataloging Policy Committee (CAPC) of the Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. is to represent the concerns of AV catalogers in matters relating to the formation, interpretation and implementation of national and international cataloging standards, rules and related matters.


Qualifications For Serving On CAPC

Candidates should have three years of current experience cataloging AV materials or equivalent experience. Additionally, candidates should interact regularly with online cataloging systems or have demonstrable knowledge of such systems. CAPC business and discussions are publicly conducted during ALA Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences. Candidates for appointment to CAPC must be willing to commit time and funds as necessary to attend one of these meetings per year. Most CAPC work is done outside of the formal meetings and members are expected to actively contribute to CAPC projects, activities, and discussions. Members who are unable or unwilling to contribute to CAPC work may be asked to leave the committee by the OLAC Executive Board.

Appointments are made by the President of OLAC following consultation and review of applications by the current Executive Board. New members will be appointed at the January Executive Board meeting and notified soon after by the President of OLAC. Newly appointed members will receive all CAPC mailings from that point forward. New CAPC members, while not full voting members until their term takes effect following the ALA Annual Conference, are encouraged to attend the ALA Annual CAPC meeting and should be willing to volunteer for, or be willing to be assigned to, projects.

There are seven members on the committee. Members serve two-year terms with possibility of reappointment to a second two-year term. The term of the Chair is for one year with reappointment upon satisfactory performance.

The MARBI Liaison, CC:DA Liaison, NACO-AV Funnel Coordinator, NACO-AV Assistant Coordinator, and the OCLC Representative to OLAC are non-voting ex officio members of CAPC.


CAPC Associate Memberships

The purpose of CAPC associate memberships is to broaden opportunities for participation in CAPC and to allow an interested AV cataloging librarian the ability to gain insight into the workings of a national cataloging committee. An associate member may serve no more than two consecutive terms of one year each.

Selection And Appointment:

Appointments are made by the President of OLAC, following consultation and review of applications by the current Executive Board. New members will be appointed at the January Executive Board meeting and notified soon after by the President of OLAC. Newly-appointed associate members will receive all CAPC mailings from that point forward. The terms for new CAPC associate members take effect following the ALA Annual Conference. Associate members should attend the ALA CAPC meetings and volunteer for, or be willing to be assigned to, projects.


CAPC associate members report directly to the Chair of CAPC and can be assigned special duties or projects by the Chair. An associate member can, for example, be assigned to research the history and implication of a specific rule or serve as a special assistant to the Chair of CAPC.


CAPC business and discussions are publicly conducted during ALA Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences. Candidates for appointment to CAPC must be willing to commit time and funds as necessary to attend one of these meetings per year. CAPC associate members must have at least three years full-time online AV cataloging experience. Associate members must be members of OLAC. Associate members must interact regularly with online cataloging systems or have demonstrable knowledge of such systems.


An associate member serves a one-year term. An associate member is neither guaranteed appointment to CAPC as a full voting member nor reappointment as an associate member. A maximum of two (2) associate members may be appointed annually; an associate member may serve no more than two consecutive terms (or two years) as an associate member.

CAPC Chairs:

  • 2024-2025 Meghan Banach Bergin (outgoing) & Diana Eynon (incoming)
  • 2023-2024 Sarah Hovde & Meghan Banach Bergin 
  • 2022-2023 Alex Whelan & Sarah Hovde
  • 2020-2022 NarinĂ© Bournoutian & Alex Whelan 
  • 2018-2020 Jessica Schomberg
  • 2016-2018 Bruce J. Evans
  • 2013-2016 Mary Huismann
  • 2011-2013 Walter Walker
  • 2009-2011 Robert Freeborn
  • 2006-2009 Kelley McGrath
  • 2004-2006 Lisa Bodenheimer
  • 2002-2004 Iris Wolley
  • 2000-2002 Meredith Horan
  • 1998-2000 Cathy Gerhart
  • 1995-1998 Diane Boehr
  • 1992-1995 Richard Harwood
  • 1991-1992 Katha Massey
  • 1989-1991 Sharon Almquist
  • 1986-1989 Dorian Martyn
  • 1984-1986 Verna Urbanski
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